Where We Fit In
CHURCHES are not easy to count! Some, in the larger villages, have a full complement of services. Some have one service per month. Some have two per year. Some are Festival churches, with services at Christmas, Easter and other festivals. Some are closed, sold and converted to houses. When is a church not a church?
We are in the DIOCESE of HEREFORD
A Diocese is more or less the same as a county, ours includes part of Shropshire and a bit of Wales.
A Diocese is divided into DEANERIES, there are thirteen Deaneries in Hereford Diocese.
Our Deanery is BROMYARD.
Deaneries are divided into BENEFICES. Each Benefice has a PRIEST
Brockhampton, in Bromyard Benefice, does not really count as it is extra-parochial – it does not belong to any church parish. But Bromyard provides one service each month
This is a time of rapid changes in church patterns.
Our Diocese is sparsely populated. A congregation of six does not produce enough income to support a clergyperson, and to maintain the building.
Holes in roofs are expensive!